Public Testimony
Providing Public Testimony
When Public Testimony is Available
Public testimony may be given either in-person or via Zoom at school board regular and special meetings. Testimony is not taken at work sessions.
How to Sign Up
Once the agenda is published, email the school board or call (452-2000, ext. 11400) the school board office by 4:00 p.m. the day of the meeting to sign-up for public testimony. Those who have signed-up in advance will be called upon first, and if time remains, anyone else who is in-person will be invited to testify until the one-hour time limit has been reached. Public testimony will be heard from citizens in the order in which they have signed up.
Time Limits & Public Record
Testimony is limited to three minutes per person, for a maximum of one-hour per action item. A person testifying shall state their full name, spelling their last name, and state their city of residence for the record.
Public Testimony via Email
You may submit your comments by sending an email to Please indicate in the subject line which agenda item you are providing written testimony for.
Examples: Non-Agenda Testimony, agenda or report item, or description of the subject in the subject line.
PLEASE NOTE: Written communications with public officials generally are considered a public record and subject to disclosure (viewing and/or copying of the communication) pursuant to a public records request.