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Meeting Types

Board of Education Meeting Types

Regular Board Meetings

At regular meetings, board members discuss and vote on various district matters and on items that establish or amend district policy. The Board adopts policies to improve student performance and enhance school programs and acts on matters such as personnel, appropriations, school facilities, and recognition of excellence.

Regular meetings of the School Board take place on the first and third Tuesday of most months when school is in session. During the summer months, the School Board meets as needed and determined by the Board. The Board does not normally meet during the month of July.  All regular meetings begin at 6:00 p.m.  All regular meetings adjourn by 9:00 p.m. unless the Board votes to suspend the rules.

Special Meetings

Scheduled for action on matters that cannot wait until the next regular meeting. Only the specific topic on the special meeting agenda can be discussed.

Work Sessions

Scheduled for review of a subject in greater depth than is possible during a regular meeting. No voting or public comment takes place, but the public is welcome to listen.

Executive (Closed) Sessions

The board reserves the right to enter into executive session on any agenda item, at any meeting, as and to the extent allowed for in State law.  Executive sessions will be entered into by motion for the following subjects as permitted by law: (1) matters the immediate knowledge of which would clearly have an adverse effect upon the finances of the district; (2) subjects that tend to prejudice the reputation and character of any person, provided the person may request a public discussion; (3) matters which by law, municipal charter, or ordinance are required to be confidential; (4) matters involving consideration of government records that by law are not subject to public disclosure. Motions to go into executive session should specify the subject of the proposed executive session without defeating the purpose of addressing the subject in private. Reference: AS 44.62.310 and Board Policy 264, D. No voting may take place in the executive session; votes must occur in public.