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Teacher Principal Evaluations

About Teacher Principal Evaluation

Providing Feedback on Instructors & Administrators

Parent Feedback on Teachers

As a part of the district's teacher evaluation process, parents are encouraged to provide input on the performance of their child's teacher(s). Parents have the option to provide input through:

Parents of secondary students may complete an input form for each child's semester teachers. Parents of elementary students may complete a form for the child's teacher, as well as provide input on the performance of other certificated staff such as elementary music and physical education teachers.

Student Feedback on Teachers

Students may also provide feedback on teachers using the Teacher Evaluation Form for Students.

Teacher Evaluation

Parent feedback received before January 14, 2022 will be considered during the teacher's annual evaluation. Information received after that date is still welcome and will be reviewed by the principal.

The information provided assists principals in making fair and informed assessments on the performance of teachers and contributes to the improvement of instruction in the Fairbanks North Star Borough School District.

Read the evaluation letter to parents from Karen Melin, Chief School Administrator.

Administrator Evaluation

The district also welcomes input on the performance of principals, counselors, and other administrators. Download the Building Administrator Evaluation Form to provide feedback or obtain the form from a school or the district human resources office.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why is the district seeking parent input for teacher evaluations?
In compliance with state law, the district’s teacher evaluation system includes an opportunity for parent input. Parents have important information to share as to how teachers perform their jobs. Research shows parent involvement has a powerful impact on student achievement and the quality of schools.

2. Since parents may not have observed a teacher instructing, how can parents tell if a teacher meets all performance standards?
Parent input is not expected to be based on classroom observations. Principals formally observe teachers in the classroom as a part of the evaluation process. Parents have many sources of information to assist them in rating a teacher’s performance, including assignments, grading policies, course syllabus, and teacher feedback on student work, parent/teacher conferences, and other contacts.

3. Is it appropriate for parents to discuss teacher performance standards with their children?
Parents may find a discussion with their child gives them a better understanding of the classroom experience. However, parent input should be based on the parent’s experience and information.

4. What if a parent doesn’t feel he/she has enough information to respond?
Parents should mark the “Not Sure” box if they do not feel they have sufficient information to provide input on an item. Parents should provide input on topics they feel comfortable rating or commenting upon. There is no need to provide responses to all items on the form.

5. How important is it to provide written comments?
Specific examples, descriptions, and comments give the principal a better understanding of the parent’s perspective. Negative conclusions without specific details are not helpful.

6. If information obtained from the input forms is included on a teacher’s evaluation, what weight will it be given?
There is no standardized weight given to parents’ input. Administrators use their judgment to determine the extent parent ratings and comments influence the evaluation process.

7. Will administrators investigate parents’ allegations of a teacher’s wrongdoing or unethical behavior?
If a parent’s written comments contain an allegation of this type, the administrator will contact the parent so additional information may be gathered. Before including a reference to such a concern in the teacher’s formal evaluation, the administrator will complete his/her investigation by discussing the issue with the teacher and any other knowledgeable individuals. The administrator has the responsibility of determining whether an allegation has merit and if it should be included in the teacher’s evaluation.

8. What will the district do with completed parent input forms that have been returned unsigned?
Completed forms that have been returned unsigned will not be included in the evaluation process.

9. Will a parent’s negative comments about a teacher affect the way the teacher treats the child?
A parent’s comments about a teacher’s performance should never result in the unfavorable treatment of a child. Any concerns about this occurring should be brought to the attention of the principal.

10. What if a parent wishes to address other specific concerns about their child?
Normally, a parent should first contact the child’s teacher to discuss the concern. The district has a brochure entitled “Keys to Effective Problem Solving” that provides guidance to assist parents in this situation.