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Military Family Information

Military Family Information

The Fairbanks North Star Borough is home to two military installations — Fort Wainwright Army Post and Eielson Air Force Base. 

As a school district, we know that children of military families have unique needs at home and school and we work diligently to meet those needs.

Military Student Support

More information and resources for military families and students can be found at Military Student Support.

Frequently Asked Questions

If I live on Ft. Wainwright, which schools will my children attend?

Elementary students in grades K-5, living on Ft. Wainwright, attend Arctic Light Elementary, Hunter Elementary, or Ladd Elementary. Students in grades 6-8 attend Tanana Middle, while grades 9-8 attend Lathrop High. All these schools, with the exception of Arctic Light, also have a large civilian student population.

Ladd Elementary offers K-8 grades. If you wish your 7th or 8th grade student to attend this school, please fill out the online K-8 lottery application.

Can our family live off base or post and still attend school on Ft. Wainwright or Eielson AFB?

If you plan to live off base or post, you will need to enroll your student in their area school first (Find your school!) and then you can make an out-of-attendance area request. Students who attend school outside of their attendance area must provide their own transportation and there must be space available in the desired class.

Is it difficult to transfer into Fairbanks public schools from elsewhere?

Our district is accustomed to students transferring in and out and we make every effort to ensure a smooth transition. Schools that serve our military community are especially adept at welcoming new students and have special programs in place to help. 

If I live on Eielson AFB, which schools will my children attend?

Grades K-5 attend Anderson-Crawford Elementary. Grades 6-12 can enroll to off-base locations at North Pole Middle and North Pole High. BEST Homeschool is an additional option. 

Military Child Compact

In accordance with the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children, which became law in Alaska on May 16, 2009, and School Board Policy 1021.2 B.2., the school district will enroll in kindergarten children of military families who are under school age as of September 1 when the school district verifies all of the following:

  1. The child was registered in, attended and completed a pre-kindergarten program.
  2. The pre-kindergarten was a program at a public school district.
  3. The child resided in the state in which the sending school district was located.
  4. The child meets the age requirement for kindergarten entry of the sending state.