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Learning Options

Students and families have three learning options:


Students enroll/stay enrolled in their neighborhood school.

Students learn from home on their own schedule.

eLearning teacher provides online instruction and assignments for students. eLearning teachers provide feedback on assignments and assessments for students.

Instruction delivered through a variety of asynchronous options. FNSBSD eLearning teachers provide opportunities to connect with students where students can receive 1:1 or small group tutoring as needed.

Students have access to support services and extracurricular activities hosted by their attendance area school.

Learn more about eLearning.

BEST Homeschool

Students withdraw from their school, register with Fairbanks BEST.

Parents/caregivers plan and deliver instruction and assessment.

Guidance provided to parents from Fairbanks BEST specialist.

BEST students have access to some district support services.

Students do have access to extracurricular activities hosted by their attendance area school.

Meals are not provided.

Learn more about Fairbanks BEST Homeschool.