DoDEA 1 1 iPad Grant
About the Grant
The Basic Training 1:1 project, funded by a five-year grant from the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) Partnership, will provide an iPad for each first through third grade student, teacher, and instructional support staff at five local military-connected elementary schools.
The Fairbanks North Star Borough School District has been awarded $1.49 million to pilot the new project, which will create a 1:1 digital learning environment to support early reading and math literacy at Anderson, Arctic Light, Crawford, Ladd, and Midnight Sun Elementary Schools.
“We are very excited to provide this opportunity to students and staff,” said Superintendent Karen Gaborik, “We recognize the potential of this technology not only to enhance instruction and ensure Fairbanks students are competitive in the global economy, but also to meet the learning needs of all our students.”
The infusion of technology will be paired with on-going professional development to promote personalized learning. Instructional staff will be able to use digital resources to tailor student-based learning plans that are aligned to Alaska’s standards. This approach will help to close the achievement gap of low-performing subgroups while ensuring high-performing students have ample opportunities to continue to excel.