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Teacher Certification

Teachers who need to renew their certification or need to complete classes to receive their Alaska Teaching Licence can find all information on the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development website.

For recertification, there is also an option to use Alaska Department of Education's E-Learning site - This site offers several courses, ranging from one hour to six hours. To received a certificate, 15 hours of work must be completed. These course are free and each teacher can take maximum of two continuing education credits (CEUs). More information can be found on the DEED site.

Alaska Studies course and Multicultural course

Teachers who need to take an Alaska Studies course and Multicultural course to receive their permanent Alaska teaching certificate, can find the list of approved courses on the Alaska Department of Education website, under Certification Requirements.

Approved Alaska Studies Courses
Approved Multicultural Ed Courses

Teachers can take required classes via distance learning offered by Alaska Staff Development Network (ASDN), or UAF eCampus.

Alaska Reads Act Endorsement

All certified educators who teach, provide, and/or supervise reading instruction to students in grades K-3 must complete Alaska DEED-approved evidenced-based training (these courses are currently open to anyone working in K-6). An educator is defined as a professional who is responsible for, creates, or supervises the literacy instruction of student(s). This may include, but not limited to, the primary classroom teacher, an instructional coach, a reading Interventionist (in grades K-3), a special education teacher, an English language learner teacher, a Title I teacher, a building principal, director, or ANY other educators who are responsible for supervising/delivering reading instruction and have been employed to teach kindergarten or any of grades one through three.

K-3 teachers (including SPED and ELL) and administrators will need to complete their certification by summer 2025.

Information and registration links can be found in the document below.

If you have already completed a DEED Alaska Reads Act approved course and want to apply for endorsement, please complete the  Alaska Reads Act Educator Endorsement Form and send it to DEED. Application fee is $50.


If a teacher needs to take a PRAXIS Test, the district will cover its cost.

A) During the school year:

1) When you are going to register and pay, please use a school p-card that you will check out from the secretary. Please avoid using your personal credit card.

2) Print the receipt and return it together with the p-card to the school secretary.

3) Email a copy of the receipt to Flora Roddy in the Teaching and Learning Department at

B) During summer break:

1) To register and pay, please call the Teaching and Learning Department (Flora Roddy – 11422, or Alica Unruh – 11424) to get a p-card.

2) Email a copy of the receipt to Flora Roddy at

In case a teacher does not pass his/her first test,the district will cover the cost of a second attempt in the same subject area.