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Project Citizen

2023 Project Citizen Showcases
FNSBSD Showcases: TBD

State Showcase: Date TBD
at the BP Energy Center
Anchorage, Alaska

Project Citizen a public policy program that brings students together as a community of learners advancing one public concern they feel is most important. Students research, interview and survey affected populations, graph their findings, and share their findings with civic-minded adults who respond and give further direction. For students, there are many options to be meaningfully involved with their larger community. Everyone's input is needed for a robust proposal.  For teachers, it's an opportunity to work with students on life-long communication skills in a directional process that includes creating proposals, critiquing sources and class documents, and advancing the chosen proposal.    Project Citizen is a traditional public policy framework that works with all grade levels.  Teachers are encouraged to consider this interdisciplinary program. For more information, visit the Center for Civic Education website at    At this time, students are responsible for their travel expenses to the state competition.  We are currently seeking sponsors.  If you are interested in sponsoring this event and students' travel, please contact Michelle Daml at 452-2000 ext. 11419.    

Contact Information

Anne Brenner Armstrong
Project Citizen State Coordinator