Per Administrative Regulation 984.3, students interested in earning high school credit for an Outside Credit course must get approval prior to registering for the course. Any Outside Credit requests submitted after the completion of the semester in which the request is for will not be accepted. The exception (under AR 984.3) is that students who have taken college credit prior to high school (e.g. in middle school) are expected to submit their applications for high school credit consideration prior to the end of the first semester of their high school career.
If there were extenuating circumstances that prevented you from submitting an Outside Credit request on time, these requests need to be submitted within one semester after the completion of the course and will require the approval of the Executive Director of Teaching and Learning. Students entering 9th grade: Students who have completed 8th grade in the FNSBSD and are enrolled in a district high school for the fall semester may take Outside Credit courses during the summer to count towards high school credit. They must fill out the Outside Credit request form prior to registering for the course.
Eligibility for Student Activities: Non-traditional credit will only be counted towards eligibility when completed and recorded on the student's transcript. The student is advised to see their counselor for more information.
Alaska Performance Scholarship Eligibility: Non-traditional credit may be submitted for APS eligibility consideration. Courses used for APS must meet the requirements for rigor established by the Alaska Department of Education & Early Development. Some Outside Credit courses may be approved for APS. For more information, contact your school counselor.
High School Grades - Course Retakes: Non-traditional courses and courses taken outside the school district are not considered course retakes for the purpose of computing GPA and do not replace previously earned grades.
NCAA: If NCAA eligibility is a goal of the student or parent/guardian, it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to check if a specific course and vendor is NCAA approved.
College Credit Conversion to High School Credit: College courses will be computed using a 4.0 General Course grade point scale. The determination of academic college course credit versus high school credit is as follows:
- 1-2 university credit hours = 0.5 high school credit
- 3-4 university credit hours = 1.0 high school credit
- 5-6 university credit hours = 1.5 high school credit
University of Alaska Fairbanks courses pertaining to music and vocational education may be eligible for more credit than reflected above.
Outside Credit Hour Conversion (Physical Education, Music, Art, and World Languages):
- 0 - 37 hours in class = 0 high school credit
- 38 - 71 hours in class = 0.25 high school credit
- 72+ hours in class = 0.5 high school credit