Course Catalogs
Secondary Course Catalogs
The Middle (6 - 8) and High (9 -12) School Course Catalogs list all courses adopted by the FNSBSD Board of Education. Contact your school counselor for a list of courses offered at your school.
School Course Planners
The following school(s) have created a planner that lists information of the courses that may be available to their students. Please note that course availability is subject to change without notice due to budget constraints, teacher availability, student enrollment, and/or student interests.
If your school is not listed below, they have chosen to use the district's course catalog as a reference. For more information on their course schedules, please contact the school directly.
Contact Information
Teaching & Learning Department
Administration Center - 2nd Floor
520 5th Avenue
Fairbanks, AK 99701
Front Desk
(907) 452-2000, x11422
Chane Beam
Executive Director of Teaching & Learning
(907) 452-2000, x11263
Tara DeVaughn
Curriculum Coordinator (Secondary Schools)
(907) 452-2000, x11282
Materials Development Specialist
Dept. of Teaching & Learning
(907) 452-2000