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Alaska Developmental Profile

September 16 - November 1, 2024

Recording Data at

The Alaska Developmental Profile (ADP) is to be completed for each child entering kindergarten, as required by state law as part of the statewide comprehensive system of student assessments.  The purpose of the ADP is to identify, record, and summarize the skills and behaviors students demonstrate at the beginning of their kindergarten year, based on teacher observations.  Student skills and behaviors are defined by goals and indicators in five domains from Alaska's Early Learning Guidelines: 

  • Physical well-being, health, and motor development
  • Social and emotional development
  • Approaches to learning
  • Cognition and general knowledge
  • Communication, language, and literacy

The ADP provides summary information on kindergarten students to the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development (DEED).  The results may be used to inform policy decisions made by DEED, other state agencies, and the Alaska State Legislature.  This instrument is not intended to be used for the evaluation of individual students to determine their eligibility for any programs, including kindergarten, or for the evaluation of specific learning programs.

Parents have the right to make educational decisions for their child, including whether to participate in statewide testing. Please check with your school principal for more information.

Alaska Development Profile Observation Form

Alaska Department of Education & Early Development (DEED) website
Alaska Developmental Profile Implementation Guide
Alaska Early Learning Guidelines

Alaska Developmental Profile Results

Educator Resources

Contact Information

Mackenzie Staiger
Curriculum Coordinator (Elementary Schools)
(907) 452-2000, x11436

Jennifer Morgan
Materials Development Specialist
452-2000, x11421