ML Tutor Instructors
ML Tutor/Instructors have extensive experience in schools and many are fluent in another language in addition to English. The Tutor/Instructor assists teachers implement modifications or accommodations in classroom lessons to meet the needs of MLs.
ML Tutor Instructors:
- Provide language instruction through content tutoring at the direction of the classroom teacher
- Screen students for program eligibility
- Collaborate with the ML student's educational team to develop a standards based Individual English Learner Plan
- Provide support to classroom teachers so that MLs may fully participate in regular classroom activities
- Facilitate communication between school and non-English speaking households
- Ensure equal educational opportunities for ML students
Contact Information
Administrative Center
2nd Floor, Suite D
Shaheena Shahid
ML Program Coordinator
(907) 452-2000 x11467
Laura Capelle
ML Program Records Manager
(907) 452-2000 x11488
Monica Mellado Baltazar
Bilingual Assistant - Spanish
(907) 452-2000 x11125