Frequently Asked Questions
- What are the FNSBSD attendance policies?
- Where can I find child care information?
- What Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) Grants have been awarded to the FNSBSD?
- Where do I enroll/register my children for school?
- What are the FNSBSD Graduation Requirements?
- What is the Military Compact?
- Where can I find military connected scholarships?
- Which military housing areas attend which schools?
- Who are the Military Installation School Liaison Officers?
- When is the Month of the Military Child?
- What is an Out of Attendance Area (OAA)?
- PCSing this school year?
- Which FNSBSD schools are Purple Star Schools?
- Recess at -20?
- How do I resolve concerns and/or problems?
- Who are the School Military Family & Life Counselors (MFLCs)?
- Need Special Education Information?
- Where can I find tutoring help?
What are the FNSBSD attendance policies?
Attendance Policy for Elementary School Students (Kindergarten - 5th grades)
Attendance Policy for Secondary Students (6th - 12th grades)
Where can I find child care information?
What Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) Grants have been awarded to the FNSBSD?
🇺🇸 DoDEA grants 🇺🇸
The FNSBSD manages three active Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) grants. All the DoDEA grants that our school district has received, can be found here!
Tactical Tutoring
Grant funds will be used to compensate staff to support K-5 student reading achievement. Ongoing professional development will be provided for staff to ensure reading interventions are effective.
- Anderson-Crawford Elementary
- Arctic Light Elementary
- Fairbanks BEST Homeschool Elementary
- Hunter Elementary
- Ladd K-8
- Midnight Sun Elementary
- North Pole Elementary
- Ticasuk Brown Elementary
- Weller Elementary
Operation Arctic Algebra Advancement
Grant funds will be used to compensate an Algebra 1 Instructional Coach to work with teachers and staff to analyze student data and inform instructional decision-making to increase student learning. In addition to ensuring all grant obligations are fulfilled, this Coach will support teachers’ use of evidence-based teaching strategies and interventions to address student achievement gaps in Algebra 1.
- Tanana Middle
- Lathrop High
- North Pole High
- North Pole Middle
- Fairbanks BEST 7-12
- Hutchison High
Stealth Sciences
The Stealth Sciences grant ensures that 4th - 8th grade military connected students have the opportunity to learn, apply, and articulate introductory and advanced STEAM concepts.
- Anderson-Crawford Elementary
- Hunter Elementary
- North Pole Elementary
- North Pole Middle
- Midnight Sun Elementary
Where do I enroll/register my children for school?
Welcome to the Fairbanks North Star Borough School District!
Register your children (Kindergarten-12th grade) online, click here!
Find your neighborhood school and school bus stop
The new school will need the following documents:
- Birth Certificate: Required for students entering kindergarten or first grade who have not been enrolled in the district before
- Proof of Immunization: Current Shot Records
- Military Compact: within 30 days of the student’s first day of attendance in the school district
- Transcripts or Report Cards: Helps with class placement
- Proof of Current Physical Address: Housing letter or utility bills (i.e. water or electricity)
- AK Residency Law: proof of residence on an official document within 30 days of the student’s first day of attendance in the school district
- If you do not have a current address for our area when you are registering your child, you are welcome to use the address that you are currently at and update this information after you acquire your new address when you get here!
Immunizations Information: https://www.k12northstar.org/Page/11618
School Supplies: https://www.k12northstar.org/backtoschool
Nutrition Services: https://www.k12northstar.org/Page/9846
FNSBSD schools that serve Eielson AFB military housing areas:
Anderson-Crawford Elementary (K-5th grades), North Pole Middle School (6th - 8th grades), and North Pole High (9th- 12th grades) serves all the Eielson AFB housing areas.
FNSBSD schools that serve Fort Wainwright military housing areas:
Arctic Light Elementary School (K-5 grades) serves Bear Paw, Gertsch Heights, Northern Lights, Tanana Trails, and Southern Cross housing areas and post-Holiday Inn Express.
Ladd Elementary School (K-8 grades) serves Chena Bend, Denali Village, North Town, and Siku Basin housing areas.
Tanana Middle School (6th-8th grades) and Lathrop High School (9th-12th grades) serves all the Fort Wainwright housing areas.
Fairbanks North Star Borough School District has many schools: Elementary, Secondary, and Schools of Choice. Check them out!
Attending a school outside of your area of attendance (OAA):
An Out-of-Attendance Area (OAA) application is required whenever a parent wishes their student to attend a regular enrollment district school that is not in their home transportation area.
Visit Find Your Neighborhood School (above) to determine the area schools for your home address.
All families may apply for Out-of-Attendance Area admission through the Centralized Application Portal (CAP) OAA Lottery and will be admitted as seats are available. Meanwhile, families should register their children at their neighborhood school.
Frequently Asked Questions: Out of Attendance Area
Several district schools have strictly lottery-based enrollment: there is no OAA enrollment at these schools.
What are the FNSBSD Graduation Requirements?
To receive the regular high school diploma presented by the Fairbanks North Star Borough School District's School Board, students will be required to satisfactorily and fully complete a course of study that meets those requirements established by the State Board of Education and the Fairbanks North Star Borough School District (FNSBSD). Students are required to complete a minimum of 22.5 credits*. Specific course requirements in each subject area are set forth in the FNSBSD High School Course Catalog. Students will meet the requirements in the Course Catalog dated their freshman year.
* One-half (.5) credit is awarded for satisfactorily completing a required or elective course, which is one semester in length.
FNSBSD Graduation Requirements - revised June 2022
What is the Military Compact?
Alaska Statute Chapter 14.34. Interstate Compact of Educational Opportunity for Military Children
NOTE: In accordance with the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children, which became law in Alaska on May 16, 2009, and School Board Policy 1021.2, the FNSBSD will enroll in kindergarten, children of military families who are under school age as of September 1st at the time of the transition from another district or state and has satisfactorily completed the pre-kindergarten program of a public school district in the sending state.
(AS 14.34.010 et seq)
Where can I find military connected scholarships?
Senior Scholarship Information
Key: Get Organized How would you like to do your scholarships; print or digital version?
1. Create a scholarship portfolio with the following tabs:
- Completed Letter of Recommendation Request Form
- Official Transcripts* - must be printed - Do not open!
- Unofficial Transcripts
- Test Scores
- Letters of Recommendation
- Scholarship Schedule
- Completed Scholarships
2. Visit your Schools Counseling Office, to request the following information:
- Copies of your Official Transcripts (after Jan. 27, 2025, get updated Official Transcripts)
- Copies of your Unofficial Transcripts (after Jan 27, 2025, get updated an Unofficial Transcript)
- Copies of your Test Scores: ACT, SAT, etc.
3. Acquire Letters of Recommendation
- Fill out the Letter of Recommendation Request Form
- Ask different people (teachers, advisors/coaches, counselors, employers, clergy, life-long friends of the family, etc.) if they would write you a Letter of Recommendation.
- Send out to the different people that said they would write a Letters of Recommendation for you
- Give writers two weeks to write the Letter of Recommendation.
- Make sure you write down the date that YOU need to acquire the letters from the writer.
4. Research for scholarships
- Visit the FNSBSD High Schools Counseling Department Scholarship online pages to apply for more public scholarships:
Hutchison High, North Pole High, Lathrop High, and West Valley High - Visit the Military Student Support Scholarship site
- Visit the scholarship page of the college that you have been accepted to
- Search scholarships on the internet
5. Read the application carefully, especially the eligibility requirements, and follow ALL directions.
6. For your essays, you are welcome to ask people to proofread them for you!
7. Once the scholarship application is completed, put the entire scholarship package in the COMPLETED SCHOLARSHIP file. This is very important! You can refer to it.
8. Send the scholarship package BEFORE the deadline!
9. When you complete a scholarship, annotate on your Scholarship Schedule the required information.
- It is very important to inform your Counseling Office when you are awarded a scholarship for graduation purposes.
- This information will be useful at tax time.
Scholarship: Deadlines by Month
Which military housing areas attend which schools?
FNSBSD schools that serve Eielson AFB military housing areas:
Anderson-Crawford Elementary (K-5th grades), North Pole Middle School (6th-8th grades), and North Pole High School (9th-12th grades) serve all Eielson AFB housing areas.
FNSBSD schools that serve Fort Wainwright military housing areas:
Arctic Light Elementary School (K-5 grades) serves Bear Paw, Gertsch Heights, Northern Lights, Tanana Trails, and Southern Cross housing areas and post-Holiday Inn Express.
Ladd Elementary School (K-8 grades) serves Chena Bend, Denali Village, North Town, and Siku Basin housing areas.
Tanana Middle School (6th-8th grades) and Lathrop High School (9th-12th grades) serve all Fort Wainwright housing areas.
Who are the Military Installation School Liaison Officers?
Military Installation School Liaison Officers
Eielson AFB School Liaison Program Manager
Dr. Earnest Kincade
(o) (907) 377-7490
(c) (907) 385-9460
(e) earnest.kincade.1@us.af.mil
Fort Wainwright School Liaison Officer
Mrs. Janet Farris
(c) (907) 460-1463
(p) (907) 353-1043
(e) janet.e.farris2.naf@army.mil
When is the Month of the Military Child?
April is the Month of the Military Child
April 1, 2024 Month of the Military Child
Resolution 2024-18 Recognizing Month of the Military Child
Check out historical Month of the Military Child school and community activities!
2025 School Celebrations COMING APRIL 2025!
2025 Community Celebration COMING APRIL 2025!
2024 School Celebrations
2024 Community Celebration
2023 School Celebrations
2023 Community Celebration
US Department of Defense Month of the Military Child
AASA Supporting the Military Child Toolkit
MCEC Month of the Military Child Toolkit
MIC3 Month of the Military Child Toolkit
What is an Out of Attendance Area (OAA)?
PCSing this school year?
PCSing this school year?Click here to find the FNSBSD School Board Administrative Regulations on relocating out of the FNSBSD!
Which FNSBSD schools are Purple Star Schools?
Recess at -20?
Preparing for Winter
- Dress your students to stay warm and dry outside. Students go out to recess until it is -20 degrees. Students wear their school clothes under their cold-weather gear. When they get to school, they take their cold-weather gear off and put on their gym shoes. When they go outside or leave for the day, they take off their gym shoes and put on all their cold-weather gear. This process is for the safety of our students.
- Make sure your contact information is accurate in your student's school record. This is the contact information that will be used to send out school closure notifications by text, email, and recorded phone calls. School office staff can help parents and guardians update their information.
- If your student rides a school bus, visit the FNSBSD Transportation Department website to see if your route has any alternate stops that may be activated when road conditions in the hills are dangerous for buses. Families can submit bus deviations to their schools ahead of time to prepare for inclement weather.
- Check out the Extreme Winter Weather
How do I resolve concerns and/or problems?
Who are the School Military Family & Life Counselors (MFLCs)?
School Military Family Life Counselors (MFLCs) address challenging behaviors and strengthen the capacity of staff, families, programs and systems to meet the needs of military children and youth by:
• Observing, participating and engaging in classroom activities
• Developing strategies for supporting positive behavior, age-appropriate behavioral interventions to enhance coping and behavioral skills in the classrooms and at home
• Meeting one-on-one or in groups, providing evidence-based prevention and intervention services
• Implementing and modeling strategies for teacher and staff responses to children’s behavior
• Conducting trainings for staff
• Facilitating groups to increase parents’ understanding of social emotional development and positive behavior guidance strategies
• Linking families with community resources or military family programs
• Working with military children in settings such as field trips and other centers, camps or school-sponsored activities.
• Conducting individual sessions to address the unique challenges of school-aged military children and youth
School MFLC roster
Parent Permission Form
Need Special Education Information?
Fairbanks North Star Borough School District Special Education Department's goal is to collaborate with parents, families and agencies to develop and provide the best educational program for students with disabilities. We provide a range of educational and social services to individuals with disabilities who are between 3 - 22 years of age.
The Extended Learning Program (ELP), formerly known as the Gifted & Talented Program, is an extension of our current educational system and falls under Special Education. The goal of the ELP is to create educational opportunities for students whose needs and abilities exceed those provided by the general curriculum. We believe these provisions will help gifted students to grow toward their full potential. The ELP works in conjunction with current educational programs to provide enrichment, curriculum differentiation, social and emotional support, and awareness of community opportunities for students accelerating through the general curriculum.
Parents: Do you think your child (ages 3-5) may have problems with communication, learning, or skill development? We have CHILD FIND SCREENINGS for you!
Feel free to contact the Special Education Department with any questions or concerns, (907) 452-2000 ext. 11489.