Software Request FAQs
What is Computer Software?
It’s all in the DETAILS. Look for these “keywords”:
D – “Download”
E – “EULA” (End User License Agreement), “Extension”
T – “Technology”, “Terms of Service”
A – “Access”, “Add-on”, or “App”
I – “Install” (even if it’s free)
L – “License”
S – “Software”, “Subscription” or “SaaS” (Software as a Service)
The software appears to be free or partially free, doesn’t require installation or any additional District support to use. Do I still need to get District approval?
NO, but keep in mind that without submitting this type of software for review, you may discover that it will not work on a District device or network. Troubleshooting and training support will not be provided at the District level.
The software requires a paid subscription, whitelisting/ approval, installation, or offers integrations that I’d like to use. Do I need District approval?
YES, you will need to decide if it will be Core or Supplemental software and submit your request for review prior to purchase.
Core = Software Review form Supplemental = Web Help Desk/ work order
I’m not sure if I really need this software, or if I should submit a request for review?
Contact the Teaching & Learning Instructional Technology Coordinator to discuss currently available software and your tech needs. 452-2000 x11428
Contact Information
Cathleen Edwards
IT/LMS Coordinator
(907) 452-2000, x11428