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Digital Citizenship

Digital Citizenship Resources

Just like teaching good citizenship in the real world, digital citizenship empowers students to be positive contributors online. This empowers them to become critical consumers of online information, where they can discern fact from fiction by evaluating the credibility of sources and avoiding misleading content. They also develop strong digital safety practices, which involve protecting their personal information, interacting responsibly with others online, and being mindful of their digital footprint. This includes understanding the ethical implications of their online actions. Ultimately, these skills equip them to contribute positively as responsible citizens in the online community, fostering a more ethical and inclusive digital environment.

This article is a wonderful starting place for educators as they explore how to teach digital citizenship. 

Explore the following Digital Citizenship lessons!

The Alaska Digital Literacy Standards offer a comprehensive guide for using technology effectively in education. The standards are structured into seven key areas and are tailored to three grade bands: Kindergarten to 2nd Grade, 3rd to 5th Grade, and 6th to 12th Grade.


ISTE | Digital Citizenship  The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) is a nonprofit organization that supports educators using technology to enhance learning and teaching practices.

Common Sense Education K-12 Digital Citizenship Lessons Common Sense provides K–12 educators with support in digital citizenship.

Google presents 'Be Internet Awesome' program for kids security in India |  Passionate In Marketing

Be Internet Awesome Be Internet Awesome (created by Google) empowers kids with tools and education to safely explore, grow, and play online.