Instructional Coaches
Instructional Coaching Resources
Welcome! FNSBSD Instructional Coaches help teachers do the challenging work of meeting the needs of all students. For more information about instructional coaching and the types of supports available, see the additional options under the menu.
How Can Instructional Coaches Support You?
FNSBSD Instructional Coaches
Instructional Technology Coaches
- Galina Bell
- Eric Rush
Districtwide Instructional Coaches
- Lisa Beattie - Secondary (Algebra)
- Laura Champagne - Elementary
- Dee Dee Chavez- Elementary (Literacy)
- Heather Dugger- Elementary (Literacy)
- Dawn Ell Fitzpatrick- Secondary
- Rhonda Harvey - Secondary
- Salina Jacobs - Elementary
Title I School Coaches
- Mark Ellingrud - Hunter
- LaWanda Reed - Anne Wien
- Jeanette Fortune- Ryan
- Heather Sparks - Arctic Light
- William Voelkerding - Ticasuk Brown
English Language Learner (ELL) Coaches
- Sarah Dimmick
- Amy Cook
Contact Information
Mackenzie Staiger
Curriculum Coordinator (Elementary Schools)
(907) 452-2000, x11436
Tara DeVaughn
Curriculum Coordinator (Secondary Schools)
(907) 452-2000, x11282
Cathleen Edwards
IT/Library Media Coordinator
Teaching & Learning Department
(907) 452-2000, x11428
Jenny Randall
ESEA Program Compliance Coordinator
Federal Programs Department
(907) 452-2000 ext. 11439
Virva Elliott
ELL Program Coordinator
Teaching & Learning Dept.
(907) 452-2000 ext. 11467