MAP Growth
Fall: August 26 - September 6, 2024
Winter: December 2 - 17, 2024
Spring: Students will not take MAP Growth in the spring, but will receive a RIT score after completing the state summative assessment (AK STAR).
The Fairbanks North Star Borough School District will administer the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) to grades 3-9 during the fall and winter for reading, language, and math tests.
MAP is a computer-based assessment that creates a personalized exam by adapting to each student's learning level. Assessment data and essential information about what each student knows and is ready to learn is available within 24 hours.
All students now have the option to listen to MAP test directions in English or Spanish. A full MAP test in Spanish is also available. Please speak with your student's teacher and principal about this option.
Accommodations need to be provided during every test administration of MAP for students with an IEP, 504 plan or ELL plan. Please contact your school for more information.
MAP practice test:
- username: grow
- password: grow
Chromebook Troubleshooting Tips:
Additional Resources
Contact Information
Teaching & Learning Department
Administration Center - 2nd Floor
520 5th Avenue
Fairbanks, AK 99701
Front Desk
(907) 452-2000, x11422
Chane Beam
Executive Director of Teaching & Learning
(907) 452-2000, x11263
Mackenzie Staiger
Curriculum Coordinator (Elementary Schools)
(907) 452-2000, x11436
Tara DeVaughn
Curriculum Coordinator (Secondary Schools)
(907) 452-2000, x11282