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Curriculum Guides

Adopted curriculum guides can be viewed by selecting from the content area list in the left-hand navigation. 

A list of adopted textbook and materials is located on the Adopted Textbook page

Feedback on Draft Curriculum

The FNSBSD is currently revising its  Art, Music, Health, Physical Education, and World Language Curriculum, and the drafts are available below.   Also, the district is developing a new Career and Technical Education (CTE) cluster for Education and Training.  This stems from the most recent CTE needs assessment conducted in 2022.  Draft one of the Education Curriculum is now available (see links below).

A strong and effective final document depends on careful consideration of the proposed changes.  Input from educators, parents, students, and the community is a critical factor in the revision process. 

Public comment was open for draft one of Health, PE, and World Language August 13-27 and September 9-15, Music draft one September 11-29, for Art October 1-15, draft two of Health and PE October 11-27, for Music draft 2 November 1-15, draft three of Music from December 3-17, and for CTE Education October 4-22;  these are now closed.  However, the district values your input and Teaching and Learning will accept feedback through the entire curriculum revision process. 

To provide feedback on the drafts below, email


Contact Information

Teaching & Learning Department
Administration Center - 2nd Floor
520 5th Avenue
Fairbanks, AK 99701

Front Desk
(907) 452-2000, x11422

Chane Beam
Executive Director of Teaching & Learning
(907) 452-2000, x11263

Mackenzie Staiger
Curriculum Coordinator (Elementary Schools)
(907) 452-2000, x11436

Tara DeVaughn
Curriculum Coordinator (Secondary Schools)
(907) 452-2000, x11282

Materials Development Specialist
(907) 452-2000