Component #4
Reading Achievement Plans & Targeted Support
Schools will develop an MTSS Intervention Plan to provide targeted support to students based on their identified reading deficiencies.
Although there may be some variations between schools due to staffing resources and school size, the implementation of a walk-to-intervention or walk-to-read program is required.
At a minimum, schools will provide 25-30 minutes of additional instruction, to students in Tier II twice a week, and a minimum of 30-35 minutes of additional instruction to students in Tier III four times a week.
Students in K-3 who are identified as either Tier II or Tier III will have a Reading Achievement Plan developed and implemented by the school staff and communicated to parents for input.
Contact Information
Teaching & Learning Department
Administration Center - 2nd Floor
520 5th Avenue
Fairbanks, AK 99701
Front Desk
(907) 452-2000, x11422
Chane Beam
Executive Director of Teaching & Learning
(907) 452-2000, x11263
Mackenzie Staiger
Curriculum Coordinator (Elementary Schools)
(907) 452-2000, x11436