Component #5
Family Partnerships & Communication
The district and the State agree on the importance of family engagement and the value of partnering with parents in the education of their children.
Throughout the Alaska Reads Act, there are multiple prompts to initiate communication with parents, inform them about their child’s reading progress, and consult with parents on the Reading Achievement Plan and grade level progression. The district creates and provides resources to inform parents of the Alaska Reads Act, what it means for their child, and how it will impact their child’s instruction.
Additional communication will come from the district, the schools, and through individual teachers.
Parent-Teacher conferences will play a vital role in providing teachers the time they need to meet with parents.
Schools are encouraged to host family engagement events and to take opportunities to inform parents how to support literacy development at home.
Notably, the Alaska Reads Act identifies parents of children in grades K-3 as key decision makers in grade level progression or non-progression of their child.
Although informed by the school, parents of children who are reading below grade level may decide to either promote or retain their child once during the K through 3rd-grade years.
It continues to be the view of the district that retention is a significant and potentially negatively impacting intervention and it should be carefully weighed by the decision-makers prior to implementation.
The details of this option will be fully explained and discussed with parents by school-level personnel so parents are informed and supported as they make this important decision.
Contact Information
Teaching & Learning Department
Administration Center - 2nd Floor
520 5th Avenue
Fairbanks, AK 99701
Front Desk
(907) 452-2000, x11422
Chane Beam
Executive Director of Teaching & Learning
(907) 452-2000, x11263
Mackenzie Staiger
Curriculum Coordinator (Elementary Schools)
(907) 452-2000, x11436