Title I Information
Fairbanks North Star Borough School District has 7 schools that qualify as a Title I school. School eligibility for Title I is determined by the percent of students that qualify for free/reduced lunch. Title I programs at schools is either "schoolwide" or "targeted." In schoolwide Title I programs, the Title I funds are used to upgrade the entire educational program of the school and all students can be served using Title I funds. In targeted Title I programs, the Title I funds are used to support only those students who are failing, or who are at risk of failing, the state's student academic achievement standards. All of the Title I schools in FNSBSD are schoolwide programs.
Schoolwide Title I programs in FNSBSD:
School Report Cards: You can find the most recent School Report Cards for all of these schools on the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development's website.
Written Complaint Procedures: To learn more about the State of Alaska's written complaint procedures for resolving issues of violations of federal statutes or regulations that apply to the Title I Part A programs Click Here.
School Improvement Plans: Each Title I School has a School Improvement Plan posted on their website. The School Improvement Plans support the District Strategic Plan.
Family Engagement Plans: Each Title I School has a Family Engagement Plan posted on their website. The District Family Engagement Plan is available for review and input: District Title I Family Engagement Plan. The format of the Family Engagement Plans is set by the State of Alaska. The District's Parent Engagement Committee welcomes your input and participation.
Contact us: Your input into all of our plans is valuable. Let us know what you think of the district’s strategic and family engagement plans. Please email your feedback to jennifer.randall@k12northstar.org or call 452-2000 ext. 11439. You may also write to Federal Programs at 520 Fifth Ave. Fairbanks, AK 99701-4718. We would like to hear from you.