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Grant Approval Process


Grant seeking employees/departments must request and receive approval before submitting a grant application to a funding organization

1. For minor grants less than $5,000:

 A. Employee/department must complete this pre-application. Contact and x11257 for assistance.

  2. For major grants over $5,000:

  1.  Employee/department must complete this grant summary template. Contact and x11257 for assistance.
  2. The Executive Director of Student Support Services will bring the grant summary template to the Assistant Superintendents for review. 
    1. The Grants and Partnership Director will notify the employee/department if approved. If approved to move forward, move to the next step.
    2. The Grants and Partnership Director will notify the employee/department if it is not approved to move forward.
  3. Employee/department must complete this grant budget worksheet template. Contact and x11327 for assistance.
  4. If the grant budget involves...:
    ​​​personnel or HR matters Student Support Services will contact Human Resources
    data, MOA’s, and/or surveys, Student Support Services will contact Research and Accountability.
    - technology, Student Support Services will contact Technology
    - facilities, Student Support Services will contact Facilities.
    - curriculum or materials, Student Support Services will contact Teaching and Learning.
  5. Once the proper departments have signed off on their portion of the grant package it will be sent to the Grant Review Committee for review.
  6. Upon Grant Review Committee approval, the employee/department may submit a grant application to a funding organization.
  7. When the employee’s grant application is selected by the funder:
    a. The Grant Review Committee will re-review the grant summary and budget
    b. Upon Committee approval, the Board will consider grant approval 
    c. Upon Board approval, a grant account will be created for the employee to expend the funds on allowable costs as planned

Collaborative Project Agreement Approval Process

1. Request Approval: Complete this MOA/U template for review
2. Review: Reviewers will approve, approve with modification, or deny the MOA/U
3. Signature: If approved, the MOA/U will be signed by the Superintendent
4. Implement: When signed by all parties, employees can begin activities as planned


Brianna Gray
Executive Director
Student Support Services
(907) 452-2000 x11434

Sheena Cummings 
Director of Grants and Partnerships
(907) 452-2000 x11225

Britt Larson 
Grants and Partnerships Specialist
(907) 452-2000 x11257