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Grants From DODEA


Grants Awarded to the Fairbanks North Star Borough School District from the United States Department of Defense Education Activity

1. ACTIVE FY23-28 Tactical Tutoring for Elementary Readers Grant $2,000,000

Supports the compensation of coaches and tutors that will increase K-5 student reading achievement at Anderson-Crawford Elementary, Arctic Light Elementary, Fairbanks BEST K-5, Hunter Elementary, Ladd K-8, Midnight Sun Elementary, North Pole Elementary, Ticasuk Brown Elementary, and Weller Elementary
2. ACTIVE FY22-27 Operation Arctic Algebra Advancement Grant $1,000,000
Supports the compensation of an Algebra 1 Instructional Coach to work with teachers and staff to analyze student data and inform instructional decision-making to increase student learning at Eielson Junior/Senior High, Tanana Middle, Lathrop High, North Pole High, North Pole Middle, Fairbanks BEST 7-12, and Hutchison High
3. ACTIVE FY21-26 Stealth Sciences Grant $750,000
Supports building new and expanding existing Science Technology Engineering and Math and Career and Technical Education opportunities for 4th-8th grade students at Anderson Crawford Elementary, Ben Eielson Junior High, Hunter Elementary, Midnight Sun Elementary, North Pole Elementary, and North Pole Middle

4. COMPLETED FY18-23 Step Up To STEM Grant $1,000,000
Supported the expansion of Science Technology Engineering and Math learning at Arctic Light Elementary, Ladd Elementary, and Tanana Middle School. See project summary, outcomes, and recommendations.
5. COMPLETED FY17-22 DIPLOMAS Grant $1,000,000
Supported the implementation of DIPLOMAS Developing Innovative Personalized Learning Opportunities Maximizing the Achievement of Students at Eielson Junior/Senior High, North Pole High, North Pole Middle, Tanana Middle, and Lathrop High. See project summary, outcomes, and recommendations.
6. COMPLETED FY16-21 Project 360 Grant $1,500,000
Provided social and emotional learning supports to students, teachers, and families at Anderson Elementary, Midnight Sun Elementary, Crawford Elementary, North Pole Elementary, Salcha Elementary, Ticasuk Brown Elementary School, Fairbanks BEST K-12, Eielson Junior/Senior High School, North Pole Middle, and North Pole High. See project summary, outcomes, and recommendations.
7. COMPLETED FY15-20 1:1 Basic Training iPad Grant $1,500,000
Provided iPads, apps, and professional development for teachers to increase student academic achievement in reading and math at Anderson Elementary, Arctic Light Elementary, Crawford Elementary, Ladd Elementary, and Midnight Sun Elementary. See project summary, outcomes, and recommendations.
8. COMPLETED FY09-14 TRACKS Grant $1,336,669
Supported the implementation of TRACKS Transition, Academic, Career Knowledge, and Social-emotional needs of students at Eielson Junior/Senior High, Lathrop High, and North Pole High, North Pole Middle, and Tanana Middle. See project summary, outcomes, and recommendations.

Since 2009, the DoDEA Grant Program has awarded 654 grants to 130 school districts in 36 states, totaling more than $763 million.

Brianna Gray
Executive Director
Student Support Services
(907) 452-2000 x11434

Sheena Cummings 
Director of Grants and Partnerships
(907) 452-2000 x11225

Britt Larson 
Grants and Partnerships Specialist
(907) 452-2000 x11257