Support Services
Foster Care Education Program staff coordinate within the school system and community resource agencies to offer services including, but not limited to, the following:
- Accurate identification
- Transportation Assistance: to ensure the student will be transported to their school of origin if residing outside of their normal attendance area
- Student Advocacy: ensure the student has opportunities for the support and guidance needed to progress academically and socially; inform and help students engage in their school environment with special programs and/or extracurricular activities
- Build Collaborations: designated Point of Contact (Foster Care Liaison) facilitates cooperation between the Office of Children’s Services and each student’s school; uphold confidentiality in the sharing of timely and pertinent information; maintain up to date records regarding contact information – legal guardian, fostering parents, social worker and other relevant safety issues
- Training and Professional Development: Educate school and child welfare teams about the educational rights of students in foster care and on the impact trauma has on a student’s academic and social/emotional development; assist in implementing supportive measures to address and overcome student’s unique challenges in their school environment
Chelsea Taylor
Foster Care Program Coordinator
Office: (907) 452-2000 ext 11470
Jennifer C. Randall
ESEA Program Compliance Coordinator
452-2000, x11439