Educational Rights
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015 contains key protections for children and youth in foster care that promote school stability and success, and requires collaboration between schools and child welfare agencies. This recent legislation demands more accountability to ensure efforts are being made to serve and support the educational needs of students in foster care from preschool through high school graduation. The Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoption Act of 2008 also requires child welfare agencies to have a plan in place for ensuring educational stability of the student while in foster care. The educational stability for foster students is the joint responsibility of both the Fairbanks North Star Borough School District and the Office of Children's Services.
- Immediate enrollment into public school, even if they do not have the required documents
- Remain in the school of origin unless determined it is not in their best interest
- School stability transportation for the duration of their time in foster care.
- Equal participation in extra-curricular activities regardless of tryouts or deadlines
- Enroll in same or equivalent classes as those taken at the previous school
- Waiver of fees by school administrator
- Educational Support Services
Chelsea Taylor
Foster Care Program Coordinator
Office: (907) 452-2000 ext 11470
Jennifer C. Randall
ESEA Program Compliance Coordinator
452-2000, x11439