EAST Summer Programs
EAST_2017 from Courtney Havrilek on Vimeo.
Summer Programs have ended for this year! Check back in March 2024!
21st CCLC Elementary Academy of Science and Technology 2023
- The 21st Century Community Learning Center’s (21st CCLC) Elementary Academy of Science and Technology (EAST) is a full day, four day a week, month long summer learning program in June. EAST is open to 21st CCLC After School Program (ASP) students attending the Anne Wien, Denali, Hunter and Joy programs during the regular school year. A limited number of scholarships are also provided for Migrant Education students who attend additional 21st CCLC sites in the district.
- The EAST academy recruits teachers who are passionate about offering an innovative summer learning adventure! The program offers a creative, inspiring and engaging space for all learners to experience teamwork through inventing, discovering and exploring areas of student interest!
- Summer learning programs like EAST, keep student’s brains engaged and “sparked” during the summer months. Students continue to build upon their academic learning from the school year while also gaining new skills and knowledge in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM) areas of study. These skills are vital in building upon the skills needed for their secondary education and career pathways.
- STEAM areas of study also build critical thinking, collaboration, innovation and creativity, which help to grow strong brain connections for future learning. Fields of study chosen by the students may include field trips, outdoor adventures, classroom activities, and community partner projects. All activities support targeted academic learning goals to help prevent summer learning loss.
- EAST is supported through the 21st CCLC grants, district funds, Title 1 funds, Migrant Education funds, Special Education funds, Summer Feeding and USDA funds, Bright Futures, Food Bank and additional private donors.
- The 21st Century Community Learning Center’s (21st CCLC) Elementary Academy of Science and Technology (EAST) is a full day, four day a week, month long summer learning program in June. EAST is open to 21st CCLC After School Program (ASP) students attending the Anne Wien, Denali, Hunter and Joy programs during the regular school year. A limited number of scholarships are also provided for Migrant Education students who attend additional 21st CCLC sites in the district.