Project SEARCH
Year in Review for Project SEARCH
View this video to learn more about the skills acquired by our interns this year.
Project SEARCH
Real-life work experience combined with training in employability and independent living skills to help youth with a variety of disabilities make successful transitions from school to productive adult life.
Through three internships the students acquire competitive, marketable and transferable skills. Students will build:
- Communication skills
- Social Behaviors/Workplace Etiquette
- Teamwork
- Time Management
- Problem-solving skills
- Financial Literacy
- Employability
- Self-Advocacy
Worksites are identified through a process involving the instructor, skills trainers, and business liaison. Worksite locations:
- Begin after completion of Foundation Health Partners Employee Orientation.
- Include an on-site department mentor that interacts with the instructor, skills trainers, and intern giving constant guidance and feedback.
- Have interns work 4.5 hours per day with a 30-minute lunch break.
- Provides skills trainer and instructor support to interns.
- Introduce new skills as initial skills are mastered.
- Update digital patient records
- Complete data entry
- Sanitize/Stock public areas
- Make deliveries throughout hospital
- Complete clerical tasks
- Sanitize Equipment
- Complete food service tasks
- Inventory & stock supplies
- Check expiration dates
- Machine & hand-fold linens
- Update employee files
- Customer service
- File Paperwork
- Transport/escort patients and visitors
- Obtain benefits verification/authorization
- Calibrate and check glucometers
- Sort and categorize computer equipment
- Decommission/Shred computer hard drives
- Classroom instruction of independent living skills, money and budgeting, workplace ethics and communication skills
- Extensive period of training and career exploration
- Innovative adaptations
- Long-term job coaching
- Continuous feedback from instructor, skills trainers, and Fairbanks Memorial Hospital department supervisors/mentors
Project SEARCH Phone:
Lisa Laqua
(907) 458-5053
National Project SEARCH website:
Fairbanks Project SEARCH Facebook Page
Project SEARCH serves students with disabilities. Typically, these are students who:
- Are on an Individual Education Plan (IEP)
- Have completed their last year of high school (must defer diploma in order to enroll in Project SEARCH)
- January - Applications Accepted - Deadline is last Friday of the month
- February - Interviews conducted with candidates
- March - Acceptance letters sent out
- Early May - ALL additional immunization requirements, background check, and DVR intake must be completed