We have moved to Lathrop High School! Our phone numbers are staying the same.
Hours for 2024-25 School Year:
Staff 7:15-2:15, Students 7:45-1:45
The mission of BRIDGE is to assist young adults with developmental disabilities in gaining skills, knowledge and appropriate behaviors to become successful individuals, citizens and workers in the community.
BRIDGE - Linking School to Life
BRIDGE assists young adults in gaining skills to become independent, successful citizens and community members.
Program activities include:
- Functional and Daily Living
- Community-Based Experience
- Social Interaction
- Recreation and Leisure
- Vocational awareness and training, as appropriate.
Provides Reliable Workers:
- Students are carefully matched to job sites
- Students are trained on the job site, as well as in the classroom
- Job assignments are completed with support from BRIDGE staff, as needed
- Transportation is provided for students to and from job sites
Employers Invest in BRIDGE by:
- Providing a job-training site
- Supporting students in developing employability skills
- Assisting in evaluating skills on the job
- Providing a safe, positive work environment
Employment Sites Past and Present:
- Pioneer Home
- Value Village
- Evergreen Alaska Mortgage Corporation
- Spinning Room
- Fred Meyer
- FNSBSD Warehouse
- Northland Wood
- Holiday Station Stores
- Extended Stay Hotel
- Anytime Fitness
- Sentry Hardware
- Sipping Streams
- Old Navy
- Barnes & Noble
- Mt. McKinley Bank
- Collective Goods/Books Are Fun
Contact Information
BRIDGE Program
901 Airport Way
(907) 474-2144 ext. 12101
Lisa Kozarik
Special Education Coordinator
(907)452-2000 ext. 11535
(907) 474-2144 ext 12103