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Research & Accountability produces a variety of comprehensive reports throughout the 2019-2020 school year on school climate, assessment results, program evaluations and many other topics. Presentations at 2019-2020 School Board Meetings are also provided.

This presentation provided results for the U.S. Department of Education's School Climate Surveys (EDSCLS), a suite of survey instruments for students (grades 5-12), staff, and parents. The surveys were administered in the Spring of 2019 and provide measures in the domains of Engagement, Safety, and Environment. An update to the data dashboard with Spring 2017, 2018, and 2019 school climate results was demonstrated.

(FNSBSD Data Dashboard) (Board Meeting Audio) (School Climate 2018-19 Report)

  • September 17, 2019 Presentation to School Board - Assessment Results for 2018-2019

This presentation provided district level results on the Performance Evaluation of Alaska's Schools (PEAKS) and the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) taken by Fairbanks North Star Borough School District students from the 2016-17 to 2018-19 school years (through updated dashboards). Performance by attendance, race/ethnicity, gender, economic disadvantage, disability, and English language learner is provided.

(Assessment Report 2018-2019) (Early Warning System Profile 2018-19)(FNSBSD Data Dashboard)

This two page report provides information on the race/ethnic breakdowns of our school/district population (KG-12) utilizing two methods for reporting race/ethnicity.

Data system developer Eric Meredith (MT), Robin DeLoach (OR), and Ellis Ott (AK) share their experiences in developing flexible early warning systems based on stakeholder needs. Join us to learn about key decision points and considerations in developing a system from a state, district, and intermediary organization perspective. We will also discuss how to build and maintain support for the system within your context. Implications from this session can be applied to building an EWS that moves beyond the traditional ABCs. Facilitated by Sarah Frazelle

Pathways to Adult Success National Conference