Research & Accountability produces a variety of comprehensive reports throughout the 2016-2017 school year on class sizes, assessment results, graduates, program evaluations and many other topics. Presentations at 2016-2017 School Board Meetings are also provided.
This presentation provided a trend analysis of class sizes by grade level, school, and subject from 2012 to 2017. This also included aggregating across grades 1-3, 4-6, middle school, and high school. Since some classes contain students in multiple grades, grade level averages included all classes with at least one student in that grade level (similar approach used with race and ethnicity when a student identifies multiple races). Discussion topics also included class size targets and thresholds and how they impact class sizes. The Enrollment and Ethnicity Report is also provided below:
This two page report provides information on the race/ethnic breakdowns of our school population. This information is provided by school and district wide. Two ways to report race and ethnicity are provided.
This dashboard provides the trend in graduation rates and dropout rates district wide by race/ethnicity, gender, disability status, economic disadvantage, and English language learner status.
This report provides results for the Department of Education School Climate Surveys (EDSCLS), a suite of survey instruments for students (grades 5-12), instructional and non-instructional staff, and parents. The surveys were administered in the Spring of 2017 and provide measures in the domains of Engagement, Safety, and Environment.
Ellis Ott, Ph.D., is a school district representative to the NCES forum for the state of Alaska and co-presented on the U.S. Department of Education's School Climate Surveys with Isaiah O'Rear (National Center for Education Statistics), and Kevin Murphy & Yan Wang (American Institutes for Research) at the NCES Stats-DC Summer 2017 conference.
Session Description: The ED School Climate Surveys (EDSCLS) platform is a no-cost data collection, management, and reporting system developed by the U.S. Department of Education. It contains a suite of school climate surveys for students, staff, and parents; enables schools, districts, and states to conduct their own data collections; and provides statistically sound climate scores and other statistics at the closing of the data collection. The second version of the platform was released in April 2017 and the next version, to be released in fall 2017, will contain national benchmarking information. The panelists will present the platform and share implementation experiences reported by EDSCLS users.
NCES STATS-DC 2017 Data Conference Link; ED School Climate Surveys Website