Student Allergy Information
If your student has an allergy, please communicate the information with your school nurse. He or she will provide you the district process for documenting an allergy.
In order to accommodate a food substitution in the school meal program, a licensed health provider and parent/guardian must complete the Medical Statement to Request Special Meals and/or Accommodations form.
- Medical Statement to Request Special Meals and/or Accommodations
The information on this form is confidential and is to be used for special dietary needs only. - In accordance with the School Board's priority to provide a safe learning environment, the Board adopted the Allergy Handbook on April 16, 2013.
School Board Policy 724 Allergies states how the district shall standardize its preparation for and response to medically documented reports of allergies from students or staff.
Administrative Regulation 724.2 refers to the district's Allergy Handbook found on the Nursing Services webpage of the district's website