Smart Snacks In School
The USDA published practical, science-based nutrition standards for snack foods and beverages sold to children at school during the school day. The standards, required by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, will allow schools to offer healthier snack foods to children.
The health of today’s school environment continues to improve. Students across the country are offered healthy school lunches with fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. The Smart Snacks in School standards build on those healthy advancements and ensure that kids are only offered tasty and nutritious foods during the school day.
Smart Snacks in School supports efforts by school food service staff, school administrators, teachers, parents, and the school community, all working hard to instill healthy habits in students.
The following information are resources on the United States Department of Agriculture Smart Snacks in School applicable to "All Foods Sold in Schools" Standards. There is also a link to a Smart Snack calculator to assess the snacks served.
The information posted on this nutrition services page are excerpts from the USDA Smart Snacks in School webpage and can be accessed directly at:
Smart Snack Calculator
All Foods Sold in Schools Standards
Frequently Asked Questions
Beverage Options
Entrees Served as a Part of the School Lunch & Breakfast Program
Summary Chart of all Foods
Department of Agriculture
7 CRF Parts 210 and 220 Billing Code 3410-30-P