Application for Kitchen Use
Application for Use of Kitchen & Equipment by School and Outside Groups and Organizations
The application must be received a minimum of two weeks prior to the event. Nutrition Services reserves the right to refuse access to a kitchen.
Nutrition Services (NS) recognizes school kitchen facilities are an integral part of the school. It is not the intention of NS to limit kitchen use by school or community groups but to ensure the district’s property is used correctly, sanitation measures are properly followed, and applicable permits are secured.
All groups using a kitchen for an event open to the public, (i.e.…school carnival, spaghetti feed, private rental, etc…) will need to obtain a temporary facility permit from the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Environmental Health, Department of Food Safety and Sanitation.
NS has priority use for all kitchen refrigerators and freezers. “No food or other items are to be stored in the kitchen except during the hours stated on the Facility Use Agreement (AR 1160 1.4 B)”. NS is not liable for items lost if refrigeration breaks down or must be removed due to lack of space; the storage of NS food takes precedence over all functions. Sportfish and wild game must never be stored in a school unit unless it is for educational purposes and is properly packaged and labeled.
School Group Use: “The School Administrator will assume responsibility for supervision of the kitchen for school functions not involving the use of major equipment or storage facilities (no NS employee required). The School Administrator will make arrangements for kitchen use with the district’s NS Office and site Kitchen Manager (AR 1160 1.4 D)” so the kitchen can be prepared for the group coming to use it.
When a school group uses a kitchen, an individual must be assigned to assume responsibility of ensuring all equipment is used properly, accounted for, is cleaned and sanitized properly, and returned to its proper place for the next day’s service. The amount of time an NS employee spends cleaning or searching for missing equipment after a function will be charged at the appropriate hourly rate to the school or school group.
School groups requiring the use of the kitchen will be allowed to use the following kitchen equipment without a nutrition services employee present: serving utensils, pans, refrigeration, freezers, steam table, three-compartment sinks. The following equipment will require an NS employee to train an individual(s) in the proper use and then can be used without a NS employee present: steam table, ovens (except at Ryan Middle School), stove, and cabinet warmers.
The following equipment will require an NS employee to be present in the kitchen to supervise equipment use and will be paid for by the group at the appropriate hourly rate (time and a half if necessary). This list includes: dishwashers, steam kettles, tilt skillets, pressure steamers, meat slicer, food processors, Ovens (at Ryan Middle School), and mixers. Items not listed will be at the discretion of the Nutrition Services Director.
All equipment/small wares found damaged or missing after a function will be billed to the school or the group. Kitchens keep an inventory of their current supply of small wares to ensure all items are returned to the proper place.
Outside Groups: An approved district NS employee must be on duty if major equipment is used. Major equipment includes: steam table, ovens, stove, cabinet warmers dishwashers, steam kettles, tilt skillets, pressure steamers, meat slicer, food processors, and mixers. The Facility Use Agreement Holder/Group will be charged for salaries, fringe benefits, and any other out-of-pocket expenses (AR 1160 1.4 A).
A group hosting a school district co-sponsored event for this purpose is considered an outside group.
Download and open this Kitchen Use Application fillable pdf form.
Download and print the Kitchen Use Policy.
The application must be received a minimum of two weeks prior to the event. Nutrition Services reserves the right to refuse access to a kitchen.
Updated December 8, 2021
Nutrition Services Center
1305 Charles Street
Fairbanks AK 99701
Fax: (907) 374-8721
Deborah L. Krier
Administrative Secretary (9/10 month)
(907) 451-1004 x16600
Deb Marcos
Secretary (9/10 month)
(907) 451-1004 x16601
Trevor Bridgewater
Assistant Director of Operations
(907) 451-1004 x16603
Carlos A. Perez
Assistant Director of Technology & Development
(907) 451-1004 x16604
Amy C. Rouse
Nutrition Services Director
(907) 451-1004 x16602