Nursing Services
Health Services
What does the school nursing service do?
The professional school nurse helps build a healthy school community that promotes learning. School nurses support systematic health and safety in schools through the CDC’s Coordinated School Health Program:
- Health Services — coordinates nursing services of students and staff by identifying and managing barriers to learning.
- Health Education — provides health education to students, staff and community members.
- Physical Education and Activity — supports programs and works with PE teachers to promote healthy physical activity and exercise, fitness and sports participation.
- Nutrition — educates about nutritious foods, helps manage student dietary needs, and promotes nutritious school meals.
- Healthy and Safe School Environment — identifies and intervenes in health and safety issues that may compromise a safe physical, emotional and social school environment.
- Family and Community Involvement – works with family and community partners to identify and provide programs to meet the health related needs of children and families.
- Health Promotion for Staff — promotes staff wellness by providing health information, monitoring chronic conditions, and supporting health activities.
- Counseling and Mental Health — promotes and develops helping relationships using assessment, intervention and referral.
Making a Difference
Studies have proven that students in schools that have a school nurse services perform better academically.
An average of 4-5 children in every classroom of 25 have a chronic health condition that impacts their ability to learn such as;
- Asthma
- Seizure disorder
- Diabetes
- Food allergy
School nurses decrease absenteeism by providing needed health services. They assess student health and safety, and intervene as needed so that students can:
- Come to school
- Stay in school
- Be ready to learn
- Be safe
According to a national survey of school nurses:
- 98% have saved a child's life
- 82% have identified an abused child
- 67% have counseled a depressed/suicidal student