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Verification of Employment

We are dedicated to protecting our employees’ information. For this reason, we use Verifent to confirm verification of employment and/or verification of income (VOE/VOI) requests are legitimate, and a valid permissible purpose exists as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Verifiers seeking employment and/or income information for our employees must submit VOE/VOI requests through Verifent. 

To Submit a Request: 

  1. Log in at Please note that new Verifent users will need to register and create an account before proceeding.
  2. When prompted, enter our unique organization code: 7D80EE
  3. Please be prepared to provide the employee’s date of birth and last four digits of the Social Security Number.

For additional information on this process, please visit Verifent.

Government Employment Verification Requests

State Agency Unemployment Verifications:


Fax: 907-451-6008

Mail to:

Human Resources Department
3rd Floor
520 Fifth Avenue
Fairbanks, AK  99701

Experience Verifications (Verification of Service)

We utilize Verifent to respond to Experience Verification requests to streamline responses and for data security purposes. To request an Experience Verification to be complete, please follow the steps below:

Step 1: Visit Verifent

1.     Visit Click ‘Initiate EV.’

 Step 2: Hiring Entity

1.     Click ‘Choose a Hiring Entity.’

2.     Enter the Hiring Entity.

a.     If your Hiring Entity does not drop down as you type, click ‘Hiring Entity Not Found,’ and select the State that your Hiring Entity is located. Go to Step 3.

3.     Click ‘Save Hiring Entity’ and ‘Continue.’

 Step 3: Enter Your Information

1.     Choose forms to request.

2.     Enter your information and click ‘I Agree.’

3.     Click the link on the confirmation email and enter your ‘Confirmation Code.’

 Step 4: Former Employer(s)

1.     Click ‘Enter ALL Former Employers.’

2.     Enter the Former Employer(s) that you need an Experience Verification from.

a.     If your Former Employer(s) does not drop down as you type, click ‘Former Employer Not Found,’ and enter the information requested.

**Note: Multiple Former Employers can be selected**

3.     Click ‘Close,’ select your ‘Last Place of Employment,’ and click ‘Next Step.’

4.     Confirm your order by clicking ‘Next Step.’

 Step 5: Choose ‘Premium’ or ‘Free’

Verifent will notify you of the progress of your requests through email. If you have any questions, please contact our Support Team through online chat.

Public Service Loan Forgiveness

Requesting your PSLF form is easy. We utilize Verifent to streamline responses and for data security purposes. Visit, click ‘Get Started,’ and click ‘Request PSLF.’ Follow the steps below.

Step 1: Choose Employer

  1. Click ‘Choose Your Employer.’
    1. Select your employer needing to review your form. Click ‘Save Employer.’
    2. Click ‘Continue…’

Step 2: Fill in applicable fields for the following sections

  1. Section 1: Borrower Information
  2. Section 2: Borrower Request, Understandings and Certification
  3. Section 4: Employer Information
    1. IMPORTANT: Begin with your most recent start date.
    2. Additional Section 4 portions can be requested if there was a break in service.
    3. If you are unsure of the following data elements, they can be left blank for your employer to complete:

                                          i.    Employment or Certification Begin/End Date

                                         ii.    Hours Per Week (Average)

  1. Additional Message to Employer (if needed)
  2. Signature: You must sign your name legibly for FEDERAL STUDENT AID to accept the form

Step 3: Employer Reviews/Completes

  1. The form will be sent to your employer to review/complete Section 4.

Once completed, your employer will have the option to fax the form directly to FEDERAL STUDENT AID. If they fax the form to FEDERAL STUDENT AID, you will be notified via email and no further action is required.

To view completed PSLF forms, please visit, click on the ‘Get Started’ button, and under ‘Employee’ click on ‘Login.’ Enter the information that is requested. Once inside the Employee Portal you can view the completed PSLF form.

If your employer does NOT fax the form to FEDERAL STUDENT AID, you will receive a different email notification stating, ‘YOU’RE NOT DONE.” Proceed to Step 4.

Step 4: Employee Response

  1. Click on the link in the email and enter your information. This will include an email verification and a Two-Factor Authentication code.
  2. Find your request and click ‘View Report.’
    1. All edits made by your employer will be outlined in red.
  3. Choose to ‘Approve and Complete’ or ‘Disapprove/Cancel.’
    1. Approve and Complete

                                          i.    Click ‘Approve and Complete.’

                                         ii.    Fill in the first 5 digits of your SSN.

                                        iii.    If you want the PSLF form to be automatically faxed to FEDERAL STUDENT AID, move the slider button to ‘Yes.’

                                        iv.    Press ‘Approve and Complete.’

                                         v.    To download and/or print your completed PSLF, go back to your dashboard, fill in the first 5 digits of your SSN, and do NOT fax the form to FEDERAL STUDENT AID.

b.     Disapprove/Cancel

                                          i.    Click the ‘Disapprove/Cancel’ button.

                                         ii.    Type in the details of your disagreement.

                                        iii.    **You will need to submit a new PSLF Request**

                                        iv.    Under ‘Additional Notes’ on the new request, describe in detail why you are submitting a new form.


Human Resources
(907) 452-2000 X 11386  

Payroll Department
(907) 452-2000 X 11320