Lead Testing
FNSB School District Lead Testing
On May 21st, 2022, the Fairbanks North Star Borough School District in conjunction with the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation completed voluntary lead testing of the potable water systems at Hunter Elementary and Salcha Elementary.
While the major source of lead exposure in most Alaska children is paint, lead in plumbing fixtures can add to a person’s overall exposure. Drinking water in schools and homes may contain lead from old lead pipes, plumbing fixtures (e.g., fountains and faucets), or solder that joins pipe sections together. The Facilities Management Department is committed to maintaining the safety of District buildings and protecting the health of students, teachers, and staff. Additionally, this series of water testing helps to ensure the continued well-being of our facilities and provides the opportunity to address related maintenance issues.
Any tap with a result at or above 15 parts per billion (ppb) would immediately be taken out of service.
Hunter Elementary Lead Testing Summary
0 of the taps sampled had results at or above 15 parts per billion (ppb) for lead in school drinking water. 104 total samples were tested, with 1 requiring action based on our school testing plan. Only the 1st Draw portions of each location were tested, except the Flush portion of Room 110 was also tested. The 1st Draw sample for that location was 14 ppb, close to the federally set maximum contaminant level of 15 ppb.
FNSBSD has taken the following steps to reduce lead exposure:
2205149-03/ Nurse’s Rm. #110, Sink, tested at 14 ppb, while it is still under 15 ppb we are taking action to replace the faucet before the start of the FY 2022-2023 School Year.
Salcha Elementary Lead Testing Summary
0 of the taps sampled had results at or above 15 parts per billion (ppb) for lead in school drinking water. 34 total samples were tested, 0 require action based on our school testing plan.
FNSBSD has taken the following steps to reduce lead exposure:
Because there is no safe level of lead in the body, FNSBSD is also working to find additional solutions to further reduce levels of lead in the drinking water.
Please use the following links for complete testing results