Rules & Regulations
The following information is from:
Administrative Regulations 1160 - Facility Use Information.
- No person shall be entitled to the use of district facilities, except for scheduled school activities, unless a Facility Use Agreement for such use has been issued and signed by the district's Building Rentals Representative. A member of the custodial staff/monitor must be present for all activities.
- No sub-leasing of facilities shall be permitted.
- The Facility Use Agreement Holder shall be responsible for the conduct and control of both patrons, spectators, and participants, and must comply with all applicable state and federal laws; city and borough ordinances; district policies, regulations, guidelines, and by-laws; and agreement conditions. (See School Board Policy 170 Tobacco and Nicotine-Free School District) All measures necessary to ensure the safe, healthy, and lawful conduct of agreement activities shall be undertaken and financed by the Facility Use Agreement Holder. These measures may include, but are not limited to, security, crowd control, and fire protection.
- Any permits required from police, fire, health, and other governmental agencies must be obtained and copies presented to the district's Building Rentals Representative prior to the issuance of any Facility Use Agreement.
When requested, the user shall provide a certificate of insurance. - Facility Use Agreement Holder/Group will be responsible for the cost of and providing any auxiliary aids and services (i.e., qualified interpreters, readers, or equipment) that are required to comply with the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, Chapter 126 - Equal Opportunity For Individuals With Disabilities, Subchapter III - Public Accommodations And Services Operated By Private Entities.
- In the event of damage to the facility or equipment beyond normal wear and tear, the Facility Use Agreement Holder shall accept the district's estimate of the amount of damage and shall pay all appropriate costs.
Any damage to district facilities, equipment, or property resulting from Facility Use Agreement activities will be charged to the Facility Use Agreement Holder.
A cash bond in the amount of $10,000 will be required from sponsors who have previously sponsored activities that caused damage or when damage has previously occurred in connection with the type of activity for which a Facility Use Agreement is requested. - All organizations using district facilities shall provide adequate adult supervision by responsible adult(s), who shall remain with the group during all activities, and shall be responsible for the group's conformance with all appropriate rules and regulations.
- In accepting a Facility Use Agreement the Agreement Holder agrees to hold the district "Save Harmless" from any damage or claims arising from the action of the Facility Use Agreement Holder, his or her employees, or patrons while the facility is in use.
- In accordance with Alaska's smoking law, the right to clean, smoke-free air supersedes the rights of smokers.
In accordance with the school district’s comprehensive tobacco and nicotine policy, (see School Board Policy 170), it is a violation for students, staff, visitors, contractors, and others to use, distribute, or sell tobacco or nicotine, including any smoking,electronic cigarette, or vapor device, on district property (including grounds, buildings, and parking areas), at district-sponsored activities on or off campus, and in district vehicles, whether owned, rented, or leased. This policy is in effect at all times, 24 hours per day, seven days a week, 365 days per year. - Possession or use of firearms, deadly weapons, or weapons is prohibited on district property or within any district facility. The only exceptions are for approved activities, such as a school sponsored gun show, or in approved areas, such as a shooting range. Possession or use of alcohol or illegal drugs, fighting, betting, or other forms of illegal activities are prohibited on district property or within any district facility.
- Facility Use Agreements include use of normal furniture which is usually assigned to the particular area of the facility (i.e., tables and chairs). The Facility Use Agreement Holder will be expected to furnish his or her own expendable supplies or equipment (basketballs, volleyballs, etc.). There will be no space provided for storage of supplies or equipment.
- The Facility Use Agreement does not authorize the use or operation of any district equipment other than that stipulated on the agreement.
- Facility use is limited to the specified room/area(s) during the specified hours and dates. The Facility Use Agreement Holder/Group shall ensure the remainder of the facility is not entered. Facilities will be opened at the time scheduled for the activity to begin and closed at the time scheduled for it to end. No activity shall continue beyond the time listed on the Facility Use Agreement. Strict adherence to the scheduled times is mandatory.
- Users are responsible for their own set up and take down, and must leave the facility in an acceptable, clean condition. Failure to do so will result in additional custodial charges to the group. However, Facility Use Agreement Holders can make advance arrangements for district set up and take down, and cleaning services. The Facility Use Agreement Holder will pay for these services at the additional custodial rate.
- Extra costs, including labor costs for special services performed by district employees, will be charged to the Facility Use Agreement Holder when they have requested such services on their application form.
- If the facility is not used in accordance with specified hours or additional personnel are required, a revised invoice will be issued.
The district's Building Rentals Representative may revoke a Facility Use Agreement for violation of these rules and regulations which occur or come to the district's Building Rentals Representative's attention after issuance of a Facility Use Agreement.
A Facility Use Agreement may be canceled if a facility is required for district use. An agreement may also be canceled due to fires, labor disputes, or acts of God such as epidemics, earthquakes, floods, or abnormal weather conditions (i.e., when the Superintendent of Schools cancels the regular school day).
The district will not be responsible for loss of personal property by individuals or groups when facilities are being used for activities under a Facility Use Agreement.
The district's Building Rentals Representative shall have the authority to impose reasonable conditions in addition to those specified in this section, when necessary.
Person/group(s) using school gym or multipurpose area(s) must comply with the following policy restrictions:
1. For sport activities, only non-marking gym shoes will be worn.
2. For bazaars, concerts, or meetings, street and high heeled shoes may be worn providing the event only entails people walking on the floor area.
General types of non-school activities prohibited:
1. Any activity not listed in the Building Rental Schedule, including such use by district employees.
2. Public dances. All dances must be school sponsored, and limited to the listed membership and guests of the sponsoring organization.
3. Use of district facilities and/or equipment which is in direct conflict with private enterprise in the area.
4. Training and exhibition of animals, except in approved areas or when the course of instruction requires the presence of an animal. This does not apply to the use of service animals.
5. Any physical change, at any time, to the facility (electrical wiring, telephone installation, etc.), or grounds (temporary structures, out buildings, etc.) without the prior review and written approval of the district's Facilities Management Department Executive Director. It will be the responsibility of the Facility Use Agreement Holder to forward a copy of the approval and arrangements made with the district's Facilities Management Department Executive Director to accomplish the change to the district's Building Rentals Representative no later than five (5) working days prior to the intended use.
Decorations or application of materials to walls, ceilings, and floors will not be permitted without prior approval from the Facility Administrator.
6. No equipment or goods may be removed or transferred from district property for other than district functions.
7. Furniture and/or equipment should not be moved from room to room unless such instructions appear on the Facility Use Agreement, and have been approved by the Facility Administrator.
8. Sleeping overnight in district facilities is prohibited unless the event is district sponsored and chaperoned by a district designated monitor.
Non-School District generated pamphlets or other printed material shall not be left on classroom bulletin boards or in other school areas.