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Loaner Tables & Chairs

Shipping & Receiving maintains an inventory of folding tables and chairs that can be borrowed for an event you might be holding at your school.

The tables are light weight resin and come in 6 ft rectangular and 5 ft round.

The chairs are standard folding metal.

Tables and chairs can be delivered to your school and picked up after you have finished with them.

You can schedule your usage through the District workorder system. Simply enter the number of each item and the dates that they are needed.

The 6 ft rectangular tables come on mobile table racks of 15 or 10 tables per rack for a total amount of 220 tables that can be requested at one time for an event. When entering the amount, please order in multiples of 5 or 10.


The 5 ft round tables come on mobile table racks of 8 tables per rack for a total of 24 tables that can be requested at one time for an event.  When entering the amount, please order in multiples of 8.


The metal folding chairs come on mobile chair racks of 50 chairs per rack for a total of 700 chairs that can be requested at one time for an event. When entering the amount, please order in multiples of 50.

6 ft. Folding Tabls
5 ft. Round Folding Tables
Folding Metal Chairs