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Central Store



Purchasing and Warehouse maintain a stock inventory of commonly used items that are competitively purchased in volume, stocked for District school/department use, and sold at a small margin; this part of the Warehouse facility is referred to as "Central Stores". Additional items are standardized and purchased through Central Stores but are not carried in inventory; these are referred to as "non-stock items." Purchase of non-stock items helps ensure that District standards are maintained and reduces the need to generate item specifications for purchases that require competition.

  *Central Store - Stock Inventory* 

For your convenience, all School District employees can view a full list of available items through this link: Central Stores Stock Inventory  These items include office, art, medical, & custodial supplies, listed in alphabetical order, by description. 

To place an order for Central Stores supplies, please contact your location's Administrative Secretary with the Item number(s). 

*Munis Users*  Items from the Central Store can be purchased via requisition entry.  Administrative Secretaries can access a list of all Central Store Inventory item numbers, including current price and quantities on hand, via Inventory Central 

If you are unable to determine which item will be suit your needs, or have questions about the item specifications, please contact the Purchasing or Warehouse staff for assistance.

Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for Central Stores Inventory Items, and others, are available to view at the Borough/District's joint SDS Library, go to:  SDS Library

QR Code for Smartphone access to MSDS (SDS) Library