Travel Staff & Student Resources
Employee Travel
The employee travel summary and checklist are not replacements for School Board Policies and/or District Administrative Regulations.
- Employee Travel Guidelines - Summary of AR 528: provides a one-page summary of Admin Regulation 528.
- Employee Travel Checklist: checklist covering important reminders before, during, and after travel.
Employee Travel Forms
- Employee Travel Authorization (TA) Form: requests Superintendent and Accounting Services approval.
- Change of Status Form: requests permission to use administrative leave.
- Anchorage Travel Exempt Letter: waives hotel and vehicle rental taxes in Anchorage.
- Travel Expense Check Request: requests reimbursement for expenses not paid directly by the District.
Board Policies, Administrative Regulations (AR), and District Memos
- Policy 528: Employee Travel
- AR 528: District Employee Travel
- Memo: Guidelines for Rental Vehicle Insurance and 15 Passenger Vans
- Memo: Staff and Student Overnight Accommodations Guidelines
Student Travel
Student travel summaries by grade level are not replacements for School Board Policies and/or District Administrative Regulations.
- Elementary School Student Travel Summary
- Middle & Junior High School Student Travel Summary
- High School Student Travel Summary
Student Travel Forms
- Request for Out-of-District Travel: requests Board approval.
- Student Activity Travel Authorization (TA) Form: requests Superintendent and Accounting Services approval.
- Change of Status Form: requests permission to use administrative leave.
- Field Trip Permission Forms: parent or legal guardian permission slips.
- Field Trip Insurance Application: for field trips that may result in injury or incident (ie. downhill skiing, ice skating, overnight trips, etc.).
- Durham Bus Request Forms: request Durham charter buses through Transportation
- Anchorage Tax Exempt Letter: waives hotel and vehicle rental taxes in Anchorage.
- Travel Expense Check Request: requests reimbursement for expenses not paid directly by the District.
Board Policies, Administrative Regulations (AR), and District Memos
- Policy 995.4 - 995.43: Out-of-District Travel Approval Procedures for Student Groups
- AR 995.4 - 995.43: Out-of-District Travel Approval Procedures for Student Groups
- AR 957: Elementary Student Activities
- Memo: Water, Snow, and Ice Field Trip and Activities
- Memo: Guidelines for Rental Vehicle Insurance and 15 Passenger Vans
- Memo: Staff and Student Overnight Accommodation Guidelines