Plumbers & Pipefitter Local 375
Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 375
Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 375
Overview of Program: We train apprentices in plumbing, pipefitting, pipe welding, and service work. Our industry is required to finish large and small scale construction projects. Our industry will need more skilled workers in the future. With a pipeline project looming, we will be scrambling to fill the positions needed for pipeline construction. A career in Local 367 is very rewarding with a good pension, medical benefits, and good dedicated people to work with. Local 375 trainings apprentices and journeymen in the installation of piping and equipment for heating systems, water and waste piping systems in both residential and commercial applications. Training is also provided for piping installations in industrial applications, such as refineries, medical gas systems, process facilities, and the construction of oil and gas pipelines. They must be able to repair and maintain the piping systems installed and work to the highest industry standard and codes. Qualifications for Program: Must be 18 or older; has a high school degree or a GED. The applicant must be physically capable of performing essential functions of trade without endangering health and safety of themselves or others. Must pass pre-employment drug screen. Applicant must have valid Alaska Driver's License with no DUI's for 3 years.
Application Deadlines: There is a spring and fall application deadline. Please contact us for dates and times.
Cost: No application fee required. Training is tuition free. Book range from $250.00 to $350.00 per year.
Training Programs: Plumber, Pipefitter, Pipe Welder, Service Technician, Safety Training
Employment Outlook: Excellent
Wage Outlook: $20.78- Apprentice starting wage for most jobs; $35.00-$41.00- Journeyman wages plus benefit package.
Main Contact
Audra Forsman
Work-based Learning Coordinator
(907) 452-2000 x11304
Other Contacts
Julie Luddington
Career & Technical Education Technician
(907) 452-2000 x11538
Andrea Wade
Career & Technical Education Director
(907) 452-2000 x11537
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