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Alaska Carpenters Training Center Local 1243

Alaska Carpenters Training Trust

Alaska Carpenters Training Center Local 1243 

Alaska Carpenters Training Trust - Applications and Trade Information

Overview of Program: Carpenters are responsible, at least in part, for creating just about every building in your community. The apprenticeship will help you become that professional carpenter. We require 7000 hours to become a journeyman carpenter. There is 1120 hours of classroom training and 5880 on the job training, working with a journeyman carpenter. It may take anywhere from 4 to 4 1/2 years to complete

Main Contact 

Audra Forsman
Work-based Learning Coordinator
(907) 452-2000 x11304

Other Contacts

Julie Luddington
Career & Technical Education Technician
(907) 452-2000 x11538

Andrea Wade
Career & Technical Education Director
(907) 452-2000 x11537  

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