Career & Technical Education
Creating Future-Ready Students
Career and Technical Education (CTE) provides students with the opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills they need to pursue their career path of choice. CTE programs open doors to a variety of career options and strengthen students’ ability to compete in the global economy. CTE courses offer hands-on learning opportunities that allow students to develop technical skills and practice problem-solving and critical thinking. These courses also provide students with an understanding of the job market and the requirements for their chosen field. Additionally, CTE courses often offer internships and other experiences that give students the opportunity to gain valuable work experience and make connections with potential employers. With the focus on developing employability skills such as problem-solving, communication, and collaboration, CTE is the perfect way to help students prepare for their future, giving them the skills and resources they need to be successful in any career they choose.
Contact Information
Julie Luddington
Career & Technical Education Technician
(907) 452-2000 x11538
Andrea Wade
Career & Technical Education Director
(907) 452-2000 x11537
Audra Forsman
Work-based Learning Coordinator
(907) 452-2000 x11304
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