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About Dr. Meinert

luke meinert headshot

Dr. Luke Meinert, Superintendent

Dr. Luke Meinert is the Superintendent of the Fairbanks North Star Borough School District. He served eight years in the Aleutians East Borough School District, seven years in the Yukon-Koyukuk School District, and has been with Fairbanks for the past four years before stepping into the superintendent role.

Dr. Meinert holds master’s degrees in Educational Technology and Educational Leadership and a doctorate from Gonzaga University in Educational Leadership and Administration (Go Zags).

Luke’s passionate about providing innovative services and solutions for Alaskan students. He founded esports Alaska in 2018, which led to ASAA's formal adoption of esports as a sanctioned high school activity. The National School Boards Association named him a “20 To Watch Educational Technology Leader”, and he was honored with ISTE’s Making IT Happen award.

Luke is looking forward the new school year and ensuring every student, every day, receives the very best education regardless of their zip code.