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Strategic Plan

FY20-FY25 Strategic Plan

The district's strategic plan is a document designed to set overall goals for the district and develop a plan to achieve them. The strategic plan shows where the district is headed and what its priorities should be. The following is the district's strategic plan for fiscal year 2020 to fiscal year 2025.

Mission Statement - What is our purpose?

 Our mission is to provide an excellent, equitable education in a safe, supportive environment so all students will succeed and contribute to a diverse and changing society.

Vision Statement - What does success look like?

We envision each and every student achieving academic and life success by personalizing the learning process.

  • Each and Every Student: Reach every student by working with each individual, one-by-one.
  • Academic Success: Improve achievement for all students, close the achievement gaps, and provide accelerated learning options.
  • Life Success: Prepare every student to contribute to society as a competent, confident, caring and curious citizen.
  • Personalizing Learning: Provide flexible and adaptive options, pacing and creative support.

Strategic Goals - How will we succeed?

  1. Student Success: Increase academic achievement and social emotional well-being for all students.
  2. Equity & Inclusion: Provide equitable opportunities and an inclusive environment where all students and staff are respected and feel welcome, safe and supported.
  3. Communication & Engagement: Ensure students, staff, families and the community are informed, connected and engaged with the District.
  4. Workforce & Organizational Excellence: Create an environment that supports the strengths and needs of staff so they can create a safe climate where students thrive.

Core Values - How will we behave?

  • Conducive Learning: Ensure class size that is conducive to learning.
  • Student-Centered: Center everything we do on the student and student learning.
  • Respect: Embody respect for the diversity and dignity of all.
  • Safe Environment: Provide a safe learning environment.
  • High Expectations: Maintain high expectations and educational opportunities to inspire high achievement.
  • Collaboration: Engage with students, family, staff and community to support student success.
  • Innovation: Be innovative and adaptive to student needs.
  • Integrity: Be transparent, trustworthy and professional.
strategic plan summary

View the 2020-25 Strategic Plan Summary

2020-25 Strategic Plan

View the 2020-25 Strategic Plan

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OnStrategy is the consulting company the Board of Education has selected to facilitate the update of the district's strategic plan.