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School Efficiency Changes

The Board of Education approved a plan to make the following school efficiency adjustments, effective for the 2022-23 school year.

  • Close Anderson Elementary and move students to Crawford Elementary. Crawford becomes a grade K-5 school. Ben Eielson Jr/Sr High becomes a grade 6-12 school.
  • Close Joy Elementary.
  • Close Nordale Elementary and repurpose the building for BEST Homeschool and alternative learning programs.
    • A school facility for BEST provides a better experience for BEST students and would help make the school more competitive compared to other homeschool programs.
    • Moving alternative learning programs into a district building will eliminate the current cost of leasing space.
  • Randy Smith MiddleRyan Middle, and Tanana Middle become grade 6-8 schools.
  • All elementary schools become grade K-5 schools, except for Barnette Magnet and charter schools.

Better Student Services

These adjustments are designed to provide more specialty content and services for elementary students, increased course options for middle school students, fewer elementary pull outs needed for music and increased band and orchestra options at middle school, and more specialization and expertise among teachers in their content areas.

Cost Savings

Closing a school building leads to cost savings through reductions in: utility and facility maintenance costs, school-level discretionary budget, staff costs, and instructional per school subscription and licenses.

Position Reductions

These adjustments will lead to the elimination of 40-50 full-time equivalent positions. Many reductions will be absorbed by existing vacancies.

School Boundaries

The current school boundaries will be redone to adapt to the loss of a school. Students, including some students from schools that will remain open, will move to new neighborhood schools based on where the boundaries are drawn.